Definition of PAR VALUE in the dictionary. Meaning of PAR VALUE. What does PAR VALUE mean? Information and translations of PAR VALUE in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


The definition of par is normal, or equal to the standard. An example of par used as an adjective is in the phrase "par score" which means a score that is equal to the standard.

Coupon payments are calculated as a percentage of par. Likewise, bonds are often traded as a percentage of par. For example, one may buy a bond at 95% of par, meaning that the investor pays $950. It is also called face value. - What is the meaning of Par- What is the definition of Par- How to pronounce Par- How to say Par#Vocabulary #Dictionary #EnglishHindi - Urdu - Tagalog - Eng The hospital's 1-day par level (minimum in-stock quantity) was adequate for 117 patient-courses of 100 mg/5 mL, 361 patient-courses of 200 mg/5 mL, and 2,990 of 250 mg. Population effects of influenza A(H1N1) pandemic among health plan members, San Diego, California, USA, October-December 2009 be on a par (with something) meaning, definition, what is be on a par (with something): to be at the same level or standard: Learn more. Find 24 ways to say PAR, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Par meaning

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masculine or feminine noun 6. (person of the same status) showing only Military and Government definitions (show all 151 definitions). Note: We have 250 other definitions for PAR in our Acronym Attic. new search; suggest new definition a. par Cuando el banco rehusa pagar a la par, los cheques impagados se devuelven.When the bank refuses to make a payment at par, unpaid checks are returned.

Note: In golf, `par' is the number of strokes a good golfer is expected to take for a particular hole or for the whole course. He fascinated her, not least because in him she sensed an intelligence almost on a … Accounting PAR abbreviation meaning defined here. What does PAR stand for in Accounting?

Get meaning and translation of Parliyamenat men vidheyakapatr par vad vivad karate rahakar nirnay n hone dena in English language with grammar, synonyms 

a state of equality (esp in the phrase on a par with) 3. (Banking & Finance) finance the established value of the unit of one national currency in terms of the unit of another where both are based on the same metal standard Par definition, an equality in value or standing; a level of equality: The gains and the losses are on a par.

Par meaning

on par (with someone or something) equal to someone or something. Your effort is simply not on par with what's expected from you. These two departments are right on par in productivity.

En injektiv funktion är en funktion där varje element i definitionsmängden får ett unikt par i värdemängden. Injektiv, Inte injektiv, Injektiv. Matematiskt skriver vi det  De viktigate paren är de fyra met omatta valutaparen på valutamarknaden. De fyra tora paren är EUR / UD, UD / JPY, GBP / UD, UD / CHF. Dea fyra huvudpar är  Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Automation, Par. av.

See translation for par from Swedish to Finnish.
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What does PAR stand for in Accounting? Get the top PAR abbreviation related to Accounting. 2020-03-07 Par value, also known as nominal value, is the face value of a bond or the stock value stated in the corporate charter.
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Products 1 - 42 of 76 85 .66 Bundle Savings. Chauvet DJ SlimPAR 56 RGB PAR Package · Lighting Package with 4 SlimPAR 56 LED PAR-style Lighting Fixtures 

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PAR Level Inventory System. John supervises Dubbies, a four-star steakhouse in Dallas, Texas. As supervisor, he's in charge of ordering the inventory, which includes all items that a company must Jun 21, 2019 In golf, "par" is the number of strokes an expert golfer is expected to need to complete an individual hole, or to complete all the holes on a golf  Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms Definition of par noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary  Up to par definition.