Dellner Dampers is certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard – ISO/TS 22163:2017), the new global standard for
The IRIS standard is currently in revision and is planned to be published as ISO/TS 22163. Document your quality in a credible way to potential clients at all times: with an entry into the IRIS database of UNIFE, which is frequently relied on by buyers for renowned manufacturers when selecting their suppliers.
ISO/TS 22163, ISO's Technical Specification for rail organizations published in May 2017, marks the next evolution of the IRIS standard (International Railway Industry Standard). It contains the requirements set out in ISO 9001:2015, including the high-level structure used in all ISO management system standards since 2013, but also incorporates needs and requirements that are unique to the The ISO/TS 22163 contains the business Management requirements for rail organizations. It is based on the ISO 9001:2015 and includes specific application requirements for rail organizations in areas of project management, change and configuration management, and competences. ISO/TS 22163:2017 (IRIS-Rail and Transportation) Quality in the rail sector The liberalization of national railway networks is gathering momentum, and along with it comes increased competitive pressure. Shortly before lockdown Naledi Ringrollers was awarded the IRIS ISO/TS 22163 certification.
2. The ISO/TS 22163:2017 is owned by ISO. It contains the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard and the supplemental rail-specific requirements. The IRIS Certification™ rules:2017 are owned by UNIFE and contain all the relevant rules relating to assessment methodology and the certification process. ISO / TS 22163 (tidigare känd som IRIS) utbildning Aktörer i hela järnvägskedjan måste visa sitt engagemang för kvalitet.
Medium Voltage PFC. If your organization has been already implemented ISO 9001, here is the comparison sheet with additional ISO/TS 22163:217 (IRIS) requirements which you need to be implemented to achieve the ISO/TS 22163:2017 (IRIS) Certification.
Dec 7, 2018 SINTRONES Awarded International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) certification ISO/TS 22163: New Global Quality Standard for the Rail
ISO TS 22163 (IRIS) Downloads. Changelog. Browse the Online Catalogue.
Dec 7, 2018 SINTRONES Awarded International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) certification ISO/TS 22163: New Global Quality Standard for the Rail
Denna standard i De internationella järnvägsindustrinormerna (IRIS, International Railway Industry På sätt och vis är ISO 22163-dokumentet efterföljaren till IRIS-dokumentet.
Beståndsdelar: Plåt, ABS.
Företaget är certifierat enligt ISO 9001, IATF 16949, IRIS (ISO/TS. 22163) och ISO14001. Material. Kontaktdon: Aluminium, brons, epoxylim, koppar, nickel,. Företaget är certifierat enligt ISO 9001, IATF 16949, IRIS (ISO/TS. 22163) och ISO14001.
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ISO/TS 22163, ISO's Technical Specification for rail organizations published in May 2017, marks the next evolution of the IRIS standard (International Railway Industry Standard).
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ISO/TS 22163. Tato nová norma bude obsahovat, podobně jako doposud norma IRIS, všechny požadavky normy ISO 9001:2015 a kromě nich také doplňující
Manufacturing of ISO 9001. Manufacturing of complete HMI control units; Panel production Företaget är certifierat enligt ISO 9001, ISO 14001,. IATF 16949 och IRIS (ISO/TS 22163). 3. Material.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, SCC, ISO 31000, ISO 50001 Doc. No.: RE 24_00_36_e, Edition: July 2018 Wolfgang Pölz, MSc, MBA Network partner Product Expert International Railway Industry (IRIS) and ISO/TS 22163
No obstante, la certificación seguirá llamándose: Certificación IRIS.
It is consists of the following phases: Audit preparation Readiness Review Certification audit Issue of certificate Surveillance / Recertification audit. Only companies, which fall under the scope as described in the IRIS CertificationTM Rules, Appendix Organization (ISO), ISO/TS 22163 is the internationally rec-ognized quality standard drawn up by the Union des Indus-tries Ferroviaires Européenes (UNIFE) for the rail vehicle industry. ISO/TS 22163 has replaced the previous Interna-tional Industry Standard (IRIS) also established by UNIFE.