This program is available to students currently studying at an accredited university overseas. As a Study Abroad student, you can study at UQ for one or two 

5214 Ms Claudia Wernthaler Phone: +49 89 2180 - 3795; Fax: +49 89 2180 - 3136 3136 Nomination of Exchange Students We ask partner universities to nominate exchange students to no later than: Winter Semester: May 15

up. Outgoing Students Ms Claudia Wernthaler Phone: +49 89 2180 - 3795; Fax: +49 89 2180 - 3136 Support Services Ms Monique Esnouf for Incoming Students Phone: +49 89 2180 - 2019 Erasmus/SEMP Contacts the Erasmus Incoming Exchange Team (Erasmus+ students) the LMUexchange Team (all other exchange students) Please also read through LMU's website Requirements, Application, Admission for a summary of all important facts and required documents . LMU has no influence over how any such data is transmitted or indeed over its further usage. More information available here: LMU data protection policy , data protection policy of Vimeo .

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LSMU ERASMUS+FACT-SHEET (Academic calendar, contact persons at IO, Academic Coordinators at the Faculties, application deadlines, accommodation, visas and immigration procedures, health insurance, welcome day, student mentors, etc.) Download the Erasmus+ App to … Exchange Programs of the Department of Economics. Erasmus & Swiss Mobility Program. Economics Partners Worldwide. LMU is looking forward to welcoming new international students. Many of you will be registering at LMU as students of study abroad programs such as Erasmus, LMUexchange and DAAD etc.

LMU also strongly recommends an accident, personal and third party liability insurance for the duration of stay in Germany. Students with special needs / Students with children To find out about on the kind of facilities available at LMU before going abroad, students should get into direct contact the LMU Erasmus-Incoming-Team directly. the Erasmus Incoming Exchange Team (Erasmus+ students) the LMUexchange Team (all other exchange students) Please also read through LMU's website Requirements, Application, Admission for a summary of all important facts and required documents. Outgoing Students Ms Claudia Wernthaler Phone: +49 89 2180 - 3795; Fax: +49 89 2180 - 3136 Support Services Ms Monique Esnouf for Incoming Students Phone: +49 89 2180 - 2019 Erasmus Contacts Please nominate exchange students either online:

Physics Student Counsellor. Dr contact the respective Erasmus coordinator in advance. Selection of courses at any of the other faculties of LMU is in principle possible, but this cannot be supported by the Erasmus coordinators for Psychology and Education.

Erasmus incoming lmu

Erasmusprogrammets språktester och språkkurser online (OLS) 19. Erasmusstipendium . +358 40 484 4402 LMU München är bland de äldsta i Tyskland och lan- dets andra största 

Many of you will be registering at LMU as students of study abroad programs such as Erasmus, LMUexchange and DAAD etc. Students and PhD students from other universities are also welcome to apply for … LMU stands for excellent research coupled with a long tradition, and the standing of our faculty is founded on a history of educational innovation of over 150 years.

Das Institut Statistik betreibt als Kommunikationskanal für Studierende eine zentrale Moodle-Seite. Erasmus Incomings Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany. 2,036 likes · 7 talking about this · 4 were here.
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(Studierende von ERASMUS-Partneruniversitäten, die gerne an die Tierärztliche Fakultät der LMU kommen möchten) Vanessa Alf und Lucie Casalta . Weitere Informationen: Informationen zum ERASMUS Studium innerhalb der EU finden Sie hier! Eine Übersicht über die möglichen Partneruniversitäten gibt es hier.

For general information about an exchange with LMU Munich please contact our International Office. Erasmus+ is an educational program established by the European Union that gives students the chance to spend part of their studies at another higher education institution or with an organisation in Europe..
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Exchange Programs of the Department of Economics. Erasmus & Swiss Mobility Program. Economics Partners Worldwide.

Study program coordination. Butenandtstr. 5 - 13, 81377 München. Tel: +49 (0)89/2180-77796.

Informationen zu Erasmus+ an der Fakultät 11 finden Sie hier.. drucken; nach oben; Fußzeile. Impressum; Datenschutz; Barrierefreiheit

Tel: +49 (0)89/2180-77796. Email:

Das Förderprogramm bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten, um die Mobilität von Studierenden, Lehrenden und Hochschulpersonal zu fördern und die Hochschulkooperation in Lehre und Studium innerhalb und außerhalb Europas zu unterstützen.