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Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of research monographs, academic reference, textbooks, books for professionals, and large numbers of books aimed at graduate students. We publish more than 30,000 ebooks for the global market, with 1,500 new titles added on average each year alongside our print publications. 1 dag sedan · Find all results for Medicine on Cambridge Core, the new academic platform by Cambridge University Press.
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Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic
Cambridge University Press publishes a prestigious list of scholarly journals, ranging across the humanities, social sciences and STM disciplines, made available electronically through Cambridge Core. The database was formerly known as Cambridge Journals Online. core translate: 重要部分, 核心,關鍵,最重要的部分, 中心, (水果的)核,心, (星球的)核心,中心, (核反應爐的)堆芯
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Books. Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of research monographs, academic reference, textbooks, books for professionals, and large numbers of books aimed at graduate students. We publish more than 30,000 ebooks for the global market, with 1,500 new titles added on average each year alongside our print publications.
a small group of people within a larger group, who strongly believe in the group's principles…. Learn more. Cambridge Core. Cambridge Journals Online.
11 Dec 2017 Cambridge Core Share is aimed at enabling users to share content quickly, easily and responsibly. Authors and subscribers can generate a read-
To forward your domain name to another web page or site, log into your control panel at and change the web forwarding settings. hard core definition: 1. a small group of people within a larger group, who strongly believe in the group's principles…. Learn more. Cambridge Core is the latest platform through which subscribers to Cambridge University Press resources can access all of their subscribed content.
Learn more in the Cambridge English-Vietnamese Dictionary. 11 Dec 2017 Cambridge Core Share is aimed at enabling users to share content quickly, easily and responsibly. Authors and subscribers can generate a read- 22 Sep 2017 Cambridge Core is the online home of academic content fromCambridge University Press. Bringing together over 34000 books and 370 Cambridge Core. Login. You can log into this database using your student portal password. Cambridge University Press publishes a prestigious list of scholarly Platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content.