jonasbuud Godmorgon från Hökberg. Dags för långpass idag med @heyrobics, spännande. BanAnna och Högåsrundan är planen. more.



After nearly 10 years, from a project in a park with a few of friends to a sport that's been participated in by thousands of followers all across China, Heyrobics bids Beijing a Farewell. From January 2020 you won't see our regular weekly schedule but keep a look out for us popping up around the city and across China. De senaste tweetarna från @Heyrobics Heyrobics is a one-hour workout set to make you sweat and smile. Now, as it seems like many people need those two things more than anything else, we're Hey! Heyrobics Every Sunday at 4 PM, Swedish Gymnastics is brought upon Beijing! Being the biggest non-competitive sport in Sweden joined by more than 5% of the Swedish population, classes are now offered for the first time in Beijing.


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Heyrobics Taxi. David Eric Nilsson · 2:33 · Paraglider Balance. David Eric Nilsson · 15:01. Pan Jia Yuan market.

Yes! No! Only when I'm being Heyrobics or ”jympa” is the biggest non-competitive sport in Sweden, with more than 6% of the Swedish population as members.

2015-10-22 Workout session with Heyrobics Jympa in Beijing. Datum: 22 oktober, kl. 18.30 –21.00 Plats: Embassy of Sweden in Beijing Dongzhimenwai Dajie 3, Chaoyang district, Beijing Arrangör: Embassy of Sweden in Beijing Kontaktperson: Sebastian Magnusson

De senaste tweetarna från @Heyrobics The Beijing Women's Network Healthy Living series has partnered with the team from Heyrobics to bring you a style of exercise bound to keep you coming back for more.This is your chance to try something new and meet other women from the network in a fun and laid back environment. Heyrobics is teaching us that exercise can be fun!


norra Hongkong-ön, för att delta i världens gladaste sport; Heyrobics! med en timmas löpteknik för att sedan köra en timmas heyrobic-pass.

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People are very focused on
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Som namnet  Linus var under flera års tid verksam i Kina och spred där ”jympan”, eller ”heyrobics”, även kallad ”The World's Happiest Sport”, genom publika  #asics #winterun #måbra #hittaglädjen #heyrobics #tsmrunning #ultrachina #stockholmmarathon2018 #parismarathon2018 #devilafterdarkmarathon2018. 13–14 oktober Virtual Autopsy Table på Innovation Stage. 13–14 oktober Heyrobics. 14 oktober. Bankett med kunglig närvaro på Waldorf Astoria.

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Based on the Swedish fitness movement of jympa, Heyrobics was brought to Beijing by one of the founder's sons, Linus Holmsater. Classes are instantly recognizable from the enthusiastic, pink-shorted instructors. Each one-hour session combines strength, running, agility, and cardio.

På engelska kallar de denna träningsform för "Heyrobics". Kanske eftersom ledarna är så otroligt onaturligt glada och energiska precis hela  a stop in Beijing on their way to the games and held a CrossFit training event with Embassy staff organised by Heyrobics and Slash CrossFit. #runhappy #allwaysrun #healthyrunner #mondayrunday #christmasrunning #heyrobics #heyrobics #heyrunning #ultratraining #ultrachina #marathontraining  Linus har grundat Heyrobics International (jymparörelse i Kina) och byggt organisationen Entrepreneurs Academy. Dessutom har han sprungit  Linus Holmsater , Managing Director of In Pink Shorts, leads his followers practice Heyrobics in the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing on Jan. 20, 2013.

3 Jun 2013 Heyrobics: The team that sweats together, stays together. One weekend Shivaun and Scott joined another IBD team in Hong Kong. Wanting to 

Several workout organizations can be found throughout the city that bring fun and exercise together like the Swedish Heyrobics organization and The Hash  (VD Kinnevik), Mernoosh Saatchi (grundare av Humlestorm), Camilla Ljunggren (Entreprenör & Innovatör) och Linus Holmsäter (grundare av Heyrobics) om  2018年6月4日 我们还为大家准备了脚型测试. Heyrobics跑步热身教学.

Meanwhile, people with running ambitions can also again join the Hey Running camp to prepare for races such as the Beijing Marathon and others. 2019-08-15 Heyrobics is a movement created by a bunch of Swedish sport lovers in Beijing, China, with the goal of popularizing physical exercise in the city. The one-hour instructor-lead sessions follow the concept of jympa, a popular Swedish physical exercise establish in the late 1970s.In order to energize the people living in Beijing the Heyrobics sessions are for free. Heyrobics.