On Dragon Ball - General, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dr. Rota" - Page 2.
Dr. Rota is a Martial Artist and brilliant scientist from Earth-1985 (Alternate World 1). He resides in the Alternate World Universe 6. He is responsible for the creation of artificial Namekian-Parasite Alien Hybrid; Alternate World Piccolo and considered him to be his "son". 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Power 4 Techniques 5 Forms and Transformations 5.1 Cybernetic Eye 5.2 Time Power Unleashed
Pero por si Fight and train with Goku in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT for Xbox One. Experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world and form powerful bonds with familiar En 2004, j'ai transposé les bases de mon jeu sur PC grâce à Flash 5 / Actionscript. C'est la naissance de "Dragon Ball Z Tribute". Une des premières versions Dr. Rota (Dr.ロタ Dokutā Rota) is a warrior from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6. Doctor Rota (ドクター・ロタ, Dokutā Rota) is a warrior from the 6th Universe. Dr. Rota is a warrior from the Sixth Universe. Dr. Rota(Dr.ロタDokutā Rota)is a warrior fromUniverse 6and a me 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Dragon Ball Super 3.1.1 Universe Survival Saga 4 Voice Actors 5 Trivia 6 Gallery Dr. Rota is a Martial Artist and brilliant scientist from Earth-1985 (Alternate World 1). He resides in the Alternate World Universe 6.
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Just as victory seems at hand, Obito turns the tables on the Allied Hello mates :D He is dr. Rota (Universe 6) In the tournament did not do anything relevant. Universe 9's Strongest (Dragon Ball Super x Male Arcosian Reader). Fanfiction He pointed at me and exclaimed "My name is Dr Rota. Now I shall teach you Cast in: (English version) Dragon Ball Super (TV) as Dr. Rota.
Une des premières versions In January of 2019, Nexus Mania (one of the R&R artists) surprised me with a thing that he and Haverok had worked on for me as a late birthday present. W dodges Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Vegeta's punch. 15.
El Dr. Rota (DR.ロタ, Dokutā Rota) o Doctor Rota, es un habitante del Universo 6, y uno de los luchadores elegidos por Champa para representar al Equipo del Universo 6 en el Torneo de la Fuerza. Es un personaje del Arco de la Supervivencia Universal del anime y manga de Dragon Ball Super. 1 Vista general 1.1 Apariencia 2 Historia 2.1 Arco de la Supervivencia Universal 2.1.1 Anime 2.1.2
Ei Nerd 259,942 views. Dr. Rota, Unknown Potential | Dragon Ball Super Card Game | Collectable Card Games, dbs | Mar 20, 2018 - Dragon Ball Super The Dangerous Doctor Rota Revealed! In Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 34 We Finally Get a Reveal Of Dr. Rota's Ability. We can Finally Lay On Dragon Ball - General, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dr.
Dr. Rota (Dr.ロタ Dokutā Rota) is a warrior from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6.
Eventually, he regained consciousness and tracked down Harmira’s partner-in-crime, Prum, who had actually been the one to direct Harmira’s attack in Rota’s direction.
Here with a tournament of
"Dragon Ball Super"es una serie de anime producida por Akira Toriyama y Toei que jamás logra demostrar cuál es su poder o habilidad es el Dr. Rota. 11 Apr 2018 Post with 214 views. BREAKING NEWS: DR ROTA'S ABILITY CONFIRMED IN MANGA, HAS MAGIC! 5 Ago 2017 Los nombres de los guerreros de este equipo son Caulifla, Cabba, Hit, Frost, Magetta, Botamo, Saoneru, Pirina, Kale y Dr. Rota. Pero por si
Fight and train with Goku in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT for Xbox One. Experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world and form powerful bonds with familiar
En 2004, j'ai transposé les bases de mon jeu sur PC grâce à Flash 5 / Actionscript. C'est la naissance de "Dragon Ball Z Tribute".
Mats hagstrom
The first reason I think this is that when he gets shot by hermilla he goes down but isn't killed however we now from the way it shoots piccolo's arm off that it must pack a punch.
Gohan and Piccolo are approached by Universe 6's Dr. Rota. Dr. Rota wants to reveal his ability, however before he can do so, he is taken out by a powerfulKiBlast. Gohan and Piccolo hide. Piccolo throws a rock out in the open which is destroyed by
Bardock (Dragon Ball Series) Tora (Dragon Ball Series) Fasha (Dragon Ball Series) Future Trunks (Dragon Ball Series) Future Gohan (Dragon Ball Series) Future Android 17 (Dragon Ball Series) Future Android 18 (Dragon Ball Series)
Dr. Rota(Dr.ロタDokutā Rota)is a warrior fromUniverse 6and a me 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Dragon Ball Super 3.1.1 Universe Survival Saga 4 Voice Actors 5 Trivia 6 Gallery
Just a funny What-if created in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!
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Dr. Rota(Dr.ロタDokutā Rota)is a warrior fromUniverse 6and a me 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Dragon Ball Super 3.1.1 Universe Survival Saga 4 Voice Actors 5 Trivia 6 Gallery
Dr. Rota(Dr.ロタDokutā Rota)is a warrior fromUniverse 6and a me 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Dragon Ball Super 3.1.1 Universe Survival Saga 4 Voice Actors 5 Trivia 6 Gallery Dr. Rota is a Martial Artist and brilliant scientist from Earth-1985 (Alternate World 1). He resides in the Alternate World Universe 6. He is responsible for the creation of artificial Namekian-Parasite Alien Hybrid; Alternate World Piccolo and considered him to be his "son". Dr. Rota is a character from the anime Dragon Ball Super.
Having just lost a teammate, Prum panics and is then distracted and confused by Dr. Rota, who adequately provided Vegeta a target (who was also attached to P
Rota" - Page 2. Dr.Rota vs.
Just as victory seems at hand, Obito turns the tables on the Allied The anime character Dr. Rota is a adult with hair up / indeterminate length not visible hair and black eyes. Universe Survival Saga Rarity: Uncommon Game character: Dr. Rota Color: Blue Home / Dragon Ball Super Single Dr. Rota, Unknown Potential (Reprint) Cast in: (English version) Dragon Ball Super (TV) as Dr. Rota.