Moreover the paper discusses functions for L1 use and strategies used by teachers to support comprehension in the and controlling classroom work and the consequences that may have (V. Cook, 2008). The teacher's TL Kidworthy w


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LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY READING LIST Department of Culture & Communication English 8 June 2018

In six simple, but powerful steps, each one an answer to some of the most dreaded questions you’ve ever had to answer. to work. Promoting jobs and enterprise, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue are the four pillars of the ILO Decent Work Agenda, with gender as a cross-cutting theme.

Work Agenda (full and productive employment, rights at work, social protection and the promotion of social dialogue): employment opportunities; adequate earnings and productive work; decent working time; combining work, family and personal life; work that should be abolished; stability and security of We must work together to ensure that all young people have fair and equal opportuni - ties. This of course requires efforts across all policy areas, as the report rightly points out. Youth policy cannot deliver alone here. We must seek to cooperate with decision-mak-ers and practitioners in sectors such as employment, health, education, culture and Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
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